
Poetry metadata visualization and exploration

Explore Hermann Hesse's poetry Explore Su Dongpo's lyrics 东坡词可视化

PoemMetaVis is a novel, powerful, and user-friendly visualization tool for interactive exploration of hidden associations among annotated poetry metadata and their pattern changes in both time and location dimensions.

The integration of interconnected components allows efficient search, cross-filter, and simultaneous investigation of multiple aspects of the dataset at various levels of granularity without programming efforts.

With rich metadata, PoemMetaVis can aid in better understanding complex dynamics in works of poetry that are otherwise invisible using traditional close reading approaches.

PoemMetaVis Demo Video

PoeMetaVis has been applied in various datasets, among others, (1) the poetic oeuvre of Hermann Hesse (one of the most renowned German-language authors) and (2) collection of lyrics (song ci) from Su Dongpo (one of the most celebrated Chinese poets).


Project leader and contact person: Wei Dingopen in new window

Johannes Gutenberg University Mainzopen in new window Mainz, Germany

University of Baselopen in new window Basel, Switzerland

We would like to thank Gerhard Lauer, Lingping Ma, Nikolaus Weichselbaumer, Xin Wang, Zhenmao Wan, Julia Kammerzelt, and Helen Hunter for their stimulating discussions and contributions.

© copyright 2021 - 2024 Wei Ding. All rights reserved.